Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Perfection: Part 2

Part Two: Make a Move
They must be thinking: I sit on this train full of commotion, a rapid race against time, missed moments but no way to rewind. Not a shout, murmur or peep from me, I just sit, watch and see it play out. I heard the story I know where it’s headed…no need for me to change, forget it!
Are we not creatures of curiosity, searching for definition and reason? Should we not be as God created us…INDIVIDUALS striving to create personalized moments of happiness and success? Then why must we settle for mediocrity, why must we let well enough alone? Dare to be different, dare to stand out, dare to have "A mind raging against the dying of the light"(1).
"O my body, make of me always a man who questions!"(2) When will we dig deeper than the depths of the surface? We must obtain new scenery by gaining vision without sight which will truly be a gift from God! There we will see past the dilation of our pupils. We must not lean neither on our own understanding nor on society's definition but depend solely on God's direction for us as individuals, so that we may acquire a life anew. "The aspiration to do the right thing might be felled by the fragility of the individual, by atavistic animosities, by the iron hand of history, or by indecision and uncertainty, but these failures do not devalue the ethical and imaginative act of reaching out toward rights and freedoms."(3)

1: Foreward: Framing Fanon by Homi K. Bhabha
2: Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
3: The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon

-Anita M. Brooks