Poetry & Thoughts

 By All Means

Mind distracted, blinded by present's billows of frustration & short comings...
dried tear stand pillows stretched across the bed...
stuck in a fog of confusion...
smog filled rooms, disillusions of a new day...
thoughts drifted off...time elapsed...misplaced emotions gone astray.
Work & time is the distance between failure & success...
feelings of distress arise...
flattened by hope, torn by faith, overcome by God.
On a mission to make life better, for me and mine...
not for the glory nor glistening shine...
but for the smile on his face and hers.
To God be all the glory & reason for all & any attained success.
So on a grinding pace I go, it's like a race against time...
I'll push the envelope...try to raise the bar...
haven't achieved the proper posture by far..
but life's lessons will straighten my way.
Fill in the emptiness with shades of grey...
sounds sad, but it's not bad...
shaded for temporary relief...
not a permanent marking or sign of retreat...
Defeat...never an option...
Find my picture and you'll see that caption.

Find It

My head aches, heart pounding, chest tightens, a heavy burden i carry i pray it lightens… i close my eyes clinch my fist, tears flow i can't resist.
i scream my voice raspy, i cry my eyes dry, soul shaking & trembling, exterior hard as a shell...
no one knows the pain i feel, no one can tell.
Where's my brush, i paint a picture of perfection on my face...
black laced fears…
saw dust tears...
lend me an ear you may hear my world…
spare me judgment…you may see my soul.
Open my book... if i let you take a peek, in you it's trust i seek...
high expectations He has for me...
failure i fear...
Heart racin'...never could maintain a steady pace...
heart flips, trips, skips beats even when I haven't moved my feet.
Crazy how things me, hate me, love me, betray me...
impose upon me your worries & burdens...
in love I press a smile upon you...
enlighten your life, show you the God in me...
relief from strife I pray you'll see...
seek ye first the fruit of your soul, Gods completion, making all whole!

Gift in a Curse

I write, I recite I spit lyrics to shine a light...
I slip, trip & fall but gravity defying words allow me to soar above it all...
I'm afraid of heights but I must succeed, for my seed I must precede!
Now Im'a spit this verse so I can explain how I've gotta gift in a curse...
could be worse, could be talkin’ about the dynamics of my disillusions…
never being able to bring my thoughts to a real conclusion...
God speaks to me...even the weakest me...
I'll forever be in awe, such Greatness looking past my flaws!
Using me to help others, bring their inside out, shine a light on their life…
the good, the bad, the ugly strife...
help them understand God hears their plea...
let them know He'll set them free...
yea a gift in a curse...but I swear I know it could be worse!
Such great gifts & blessings hold so much weight...
I see its fate God's plan for life will in no way wait!
Run with it or get run over!

Caught Up

I could scream but won't be heard...
whirl around like bird in a storm or a leaf in the wind...
pretend like I don't when I really do...
grasp on to what was & make believe it is...
play win because I never want to lose...
I don't know whose shoes I'm trying to FEEL...
this weight at times is o' too real...
now a dose of reality, in all actuality I try to fly like superwoman...
be all that I can be for him, her, them, sir, ma'am, he, she, you too, but oh, wait...
I forgot about me!!
Save Me
Is it too late, can my soul b saved...
past, present, future transgressions waived!?
Heart racin, things are so unclear...
eyes blurry now, life's end I fear...
quickly reach my hand out, palm exposed catch my tear!
Put in my pocket, for safe keep I'll lock it...
can't let em see me slippin!
All eyes on me..I'm trippin... can't fall, I feel super small...
but I've gotta walk tall, like maybe I've got it all...
*sigh*, can't let em see me cry...
quick wipe my eyes dry...
gotta good deal with my soul..
she cries leave my eyes dry,
let er bleed a bit, rather feel, then let em see it.
Hide my pain underneath my smile...
hahaha laugh my cry, cry my laugh.